Decouvrir nos réseaux sociaux : Massif Central: The Puy de Sancy is covered in its first blanket of snow! Sancy Cable Car: The arrival station is decked out in white! Sancy Massif: Le Puy Ferrand under a veil of snow in November. At the top of Puy de Sancy: The snow has arrived in November 2022! Vidéos - Massif Central: The Puy de Sancy is covered in its first blanket of snow! Previous Back to the list Next
Massif du Sancy: Snowfall Expected - Winter Magic The Massif du Sancy is getting ready to vibrate: Opening of the ski season on December 23, 2023! The Massif du Sancy, jewel of Auvergne, is…
La Marchellerie: A Dream Villa in Sainte Maxime Villa overlooking Sainte Maxime and the Gulf of Saint Tropez La Marchellerie is a stunning villa located in the picturesque town…