Decouvrir nos réseaux sociaux : Sancy Massif: Le Puy Ferrand under a veil of snow in November. Le Puy de Sancy: A first veil of snow settles at the summit! Massif du Sancy: The Chemin des Crêtes is adorned with white in November 2022! Sancy Cable Car: Admire the snow-covered Puy de Sancy in November 2022! Vidéos - Sancy Massif: Le Puy Ferrand under a veil of snow in November. Previous Back to the list Next
Le Creux de Soucy: A Remarkable Natural Site in the Heart of the Sancy Massif Le Creux de Soucy: A mysterious chasm studied by experts The Gouffre du Creux de Soucy, located in Besse-et-Saint-Anastaise in Sancy, regularly…
Sancy Massif - Crest Trail - Panoramic Hike - Exceptional View The Sancy Ridges: An unforgettable hike from the Pic du Capucin to the Puy de Sancy For an unforgettable hiking adventure in the Massif du…