Decouvrir nos réseaux sociaux : Super Besse: Exceptional Aerial View of Lake Chambon Murol Castle: A Magical Sunrise on a Historical Symbol Super Besse: Family Fun in a Pedal Boat on Lake Chambon Super Besse: Refreshing Swim at Lake Chambon Vidéos - Super Besse: Exceptional Aerial View of Lake Chambon Previous Back to the list Next
Massif du Sancy: At the Sources of the Dordogne, Pure and Authentic Nature <h2>The Dordogne: Birth in the heart of the Massif du Sancy</h2> <p>The Dordogne rises in the Massif du Sancy, at the foot of…
Lake Pavin: A volcanic jewel between Besse and Super Besse. Lake Pavin: A young volcano Formed 6,900 years ago, at the same time as the Chaîne des Puys, Lake Pavin is the result of a particularly…