Decouvrir nos réseaux sociaux : Massif du Sancy: Summer Tobogganing Thrills at Mont-Dore Sancy Massif: Snowshoeing in Mont-Dore Massif du Sancy: Duo Sledding at Mont-Dore, Shared Pleasure Massif du Sancy: Mont-Dore Park, a Relaxation and Walking Area Vidéos - Massif du Sancy: Summer Tobogganing Thrills at Mont-Dore Previous Back to the list Next
La Bourboule: Thermal and Natural Destination in the Heart of the Sancy Massif La Bourboule: From high-end thermalism to popular thermalism. Between the two wars, La Bourboule welcomed a French and foreign bourgeois…
Lake Pavin: A volcanic jewel between Besse and Super Besse. Lake Pavin: A young volcano Formed 6,900 years ago, at the same time as the Chaîne des Puys, Lake Pavin is the result of a particularly…